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Facts About Bail Bonds

We realize that most people don’t give bail bonds much thought until they need one for themselves or a loved one. We want to help you understand more about bail bonds, and today we’re sharing some facts you may not know.

Bail Bonds Aren’t Available Everywhere
You may be surprised to discover that your state doesn’t allow bail bonds. In some states, including Wisconsin, Kentucky, Illinois, Nebraska, Oregon, and Maine, you have to supply your own funds to make bail.


Bail Money Isn’t Always Required
For small misdemeanor crimes, a judge may order a person to be released on their own recognizance, rather than paying bail. This is done on a verbal promise that the defendant will appear in court on the appropriate dates.

Only Two Countries Honor Bail Bonds
Out of the entire world, only the United States and The Phillippines have a commercial bail system. In other countries, if you are not able to pay the bail that is set, you likely won’t be released from jail.

If your friend or loved one has been arrested in South Central Louisiana, contact Mud Bug Bail Bonds to get started on the bail bonds process. At Mud Bug Bail Bonds, we provide cash bonds, commercial bonds, property bonds, and personal surety bonds. Please visit our website at for more information about the types of bonds that we provide.

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