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The Difference Between A Misdemeanor And A Felony

When you’re arrested for a crime in Lafayette, Louisiana, the type of crime that you’re charged with will determine how you should proceed.

Many crimes are broken up into two categories: felonies and misdemeanors.

A felony is a much more serious crime than a misdemeanor, and it carries higher penalties. The penalties for misdemeanors often involve a fine, but don’t necessarily include a jail time. Felony charges often involve fines and jail time.

An example of this difference is that while shoplifting is a nonviolent crime, and charged as a misdemeanor, robbery or grand theft is a felony.

Regardless of whether you’ve been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, the best way to proceed is to talk with your lawyer about how to handle your case. In order to work with your lawyer, you’ll need to be out from behind bars.

If your friend or loved one has been arrested in South Central Louisiana, contact Mud Bug Bail Bonds to get started on the bail bonds process. At Mud Bug Bail Bonds, we provide cash bonds, commercial bonds, property bonds, and personal surety bonds. Please visit our website at for more information about the types of bonds that we provide.